Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ning Social Network site for NYC Presbytery Youth

I am happy to announce a new webpage that has been designed for Youth of the New York City Presbytery.

The webpage address is:

On this webpage you can post blogs, notes, photos, videos, start a webpage for youth group, send the presbytery a message, join in forum discussion and Bible Study, and share events that are going on in the Youth Ministries around the Greater New York City area.

We are searching for a logo for our webpage.

The logos that are submitted will be posted on the website for two (2) weeks. During this time everyone can vote on which logo they like. The winning logo will be featured on the webpage. You may want to search the internet for some of the logos of Presbyterian churches in PCUSA or search the PCUSA websites for inspiration and ideas to create your own. HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!!

The Rules:

Your logo MUST BE INCLUSIVE of all our churches.

The theme is: “Joined Together Through Faith, Love, Unity, Hope…and Jesus Christ!”

Only one entry per church may be submitted.


Thank you all for your participation. As a “Connective Church” this network will aid in reaching out to everyone as a way of strengthening the bond.

God Bless,
Janet Pearson
NYC Presbytery Youth Coordinator

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