Saturday, March 24, 2007

12: March 24, 2007 - Bowling

Thank you to Marc and Melissa for sponsoring a fun afternoon of bowling.

2007-03-24 Bowling

Sunday, March 18, 2007

11: March 18, 2007 - Knicks Game

Many Thanks to Stephanie for getting tickets for 16 of us to attend a New York Knicks game on March 18th. Game time was Noon, so we went to the start of worship and scooted out a bit early...

Here are the photos taken with Mark's camera:

2007-03-18 FPCB Youth Knicks Game

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Confirmation Retreat Photos

The Confirmation Class attended "The Jesus Retreat: Encountering God through the Arts" at the Holmes Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center on March 2-3, 2007. 11 Youth and 6 Adults attended from First Church, joining a total of over 50 Youth and 70 total participants.

Click this picture to see the full album...

P.S. A friend at work has some good gear and got a number of photos of the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday night. We saw it out the van windows as we left Holmes, but the telescope and mounted camera captured it very nicely.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Additional Content on Blog

I should have been doing other things, but I decided to add more content to this Blog. On the right column, you'll see Related Links, links to The "old" Blog, and a monthly summary of This Blog's History. Beyond this pretty standard stuff, I've added some more dynamic content of the Daily Lectionary Reading, a Calendar of the youth group events, some quick info about who I am, and then wrap up the page with a daily Motivational Quote. I even subscribed to for syndication of the Blog, or to send e-mail updates.

It may not be much, but it was fun for me to figure out how to add the parts!

I will be trying to keep the calendar up to date, so I encourage you to check it out from time to time. As the events pile up, I may make the calendar bigger and put it on the bottom of the page ... I'm still playing with the layout. Note that the calendar has a Month mode and an Agenda mode - if you just want to see the events spelled out without the calendar numbers.

Click around, check it out and leave comments if you wish!

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Peace One Day - 21 September