Tuesday, June 19, 2007

15: June 13, 2007 - Summer Kickoff

I wasn't able to be there, but all reports were that the Summer Kickoff (and Ice Cream eating) was a big hit! Jill led some games, the group took a "field trip" to the garret(*) of the manse, everyone ate some ice cream, Ellie was adorable, and Liz and her friend Abby put on a gymnastics exhibition...

Youth Summer Kickoff

We have many of your summer schedules, and unfortunately can't work our summer fun around all of your different calendars, but here is a tentative (keep an eye on the calendar at the bottom of this page for updates) list of upcoming activities:


Thu Jul 5, 2007 - 7PM Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Thu Jul 12, 2007 - 7PM FPC Drum Circle
Sat Jul 14, 2007 - 10AM Bronx Zoo
Sun Jul 22, 2007 - 4PM WNBA: Liberty host Seattle
Sat Jul 28, 2007 - TBD Movie Matinee
Thu Aug 2, 2007 - 7PM FPC Drum Circle
Sat Aug 4, 2007 - TBD Bowling, Badminton, Bocce, some sport with a "B"
Thu Aug 9, 2007 - 7PM Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Sat Aug 11, 2007 - 5PM Brooklyn Cyclones
Sun Aug 26, 2007 - 11:30AM Back to School Picnic
Sat Sep 15, 2007 - 8:30AM-3PM Presbyterian Youth Conference @ FPC Brooklyn


* What is the garret, you may be asking yourself? For that matter, what is a manse? The answer is that the Church also owns the house next to the Church building, as a residence for the Pastor - this arrangement is also called a manse. On the top floor of this house there is a room (which could be referred to as a garret) that we are trying to claim as a Youth Room! The idea is that we can have a place of our own with a TV, couches, maybe a little refrigerator. As we head into the Fall, we want to pick a time other than after Church on Sunday to meet. Having our own special place can help us build our own special Youth Group!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

14: June 3, 2007 - Youth Sunday

Thank you to all who participated in Youth Sunday this week. The service was very meaningful and moving. The prayers, music, preaching, readings, and kids artwork were all put together so well - I know that you challenged and made the "old folks" think. Some Church's talk about Youth being "the future of the Church". This past Sunday you showed that you are the Church, NOW!

I (again) forgot to bring my "good" camera, so the pictures this time came from the camera on my phone - as you can tell, it doesn't do well in low light. I'll check with others (Jill?, Ed?) to get additional pictures and post here them as soon as I do.

Youth Sunday

P.S. The Global Arts Festival on Saturday was also amazing, with the level of talent, organization, and down right fun provided. Did any of you check out Liz's work in the Elliott Room? Great stuff!

P.P.S. Keep an eye on the calendar (at the bottom of every blog page) for summer Youth happenings!

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