Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Twilight Jazz" in 2 weeks

Another great music opportunity at First Presbyterian Church Brooklyn ... Twilight Jazz with a voice and several musicians you will recognize from Sunday morning.

April 30, 2010 @ 7:30PM; $10 Suggested Donation

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Short Video from Music at First

Check out for a short clip from one of the songs at last night's Music at First concert.  If you missed it, you missed great music and enchanting banter.

Two more "don't miss" opportunities to enjoy music in our Sanctuary...

  • April 30: "Twilight Jazz" with the choir's Bertilla, and the Sunday band's Wil, Matt, and a guest bassist
  • May 28 : percussionist AYANO KATAOKA with flutist CONOR NELSON
All concerts scheduled to start at 7:30PM.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Music at First - Session III

TONIGHT - April 16, 2010 at 7:30PM

Cellist/vocalist/composer JODY REDHAGE (last Sunday's Offertory musician) and her band FIRE IN JULY headline the third concert in the inaugural season of MUSIC AT FIRST, an exciting new music series at First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights.

The band, consisting of Jody Redhage on voice/cello/compositions, Ken Thomson on clarinets, Alan Ferber on trombone, Tom Beckham on vibraphone, and Fred Kennedy on drums and percussion, meld the detail and finesse of chamber music with the energy and drive of jazz improvisation.  With tinges of Medieval chanson and hints of Kurt Weill, Jody's compositions create a captivating blend of genres that simply comes across as her own unique voice.

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. $10 suggested admission per person which will be collected at the door.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Guest post

As part of a promotion for his new book and Web site, Jon Acuff of "Stuff Christians Like" has sent in the following guest post for our blog. Check out his web site if you like clever christian humor!


The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”

108. They mention that if they make the tour, they hope it doesn’t have any shows in Las Vegas, cause you know that is kind of like America’s hades = + 2 points

To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit

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