Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Belated Halloween Photo (contest?!?)

A small contest, and a couple of other questions. Contest winners get a bag of their favorite junk food (from Beth):
  1. What catholic country first co-opted the pagan holiday that would become Halloween? To answer, post a comment WITH YOUR NAME (choose "Other" and put in your first name only, please) so we can determine the winners.
  2. What were you this year for Halloween -or- What was your favorite Halloween costume? (Send me pictures if you want them posted, or comment with your own links to facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Picasa, etc.)
  3. Can you write a better caption for this picture? If so, post it as a comment!

James Love as the Jack-o-lantern and Rev. Beth as "the stoop"


Anonymous said...

I call this photo - very cute pumpkin!

Anonymous said...

When I was trick or treating I was a clown (for 5 years) and a witch (for 3 years). Favorite costume? I don't think I have one, since I was the the clown or witch every other year or so.

Anonymous said...

I didn't go out this year, and I haven't dressed up for several years.

I really only remember one costume, dressing as a University of Michigan football fan: Mom must have had a big "racoon coat" (fake fur of some sort), I had been to a U of M game and got a berret-like hat and made a pennant to carry.

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