Friday, March 13, 2009

Ecclesia II

Sunday, March 8th, our confirmands, youth leaders, and a few parents and siblings participated in this weekly communion service for the homeless living in Madison Square Park.

Jill planned and organized the packing of lunches to give away.  Katy made brownies!  All were short-order cooks and worship leaders.  Eddie read the gospel.  Liz and Rebecca led participatory prayers of the people.  Connor led the closing hymn.  Jill led all the music--the best they'd had all year!  Alec and the rest circled the park giving out extra lunches and making them feel welcome to join this "outdoor congregation."

While all 30 lunches were taken by the end of the communion service and 2nd meal, the congregation has dwindled due to the increased presence of NYPD in the parks of Manhattan.  To learn more of this ministry, see

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