Saturday, March 7, 2009

84th Precinct Appreciation

Sunday February 22 was the 15th (or 16th, depending on the source you believe) appreciation Sunday for the local Brooklyn Heights 84th Precinct of the NYPD.  We had a great turnout of uniformed officers, and a few local politicians even participated in the worship service.

Lily sang, Connor greeted/ushered, and many others helped with setup, cooking, cleanup, or in worship.

I (Mark) was helping greet and usher for most of the service, so I didn't get too many pictures, but here are the few I did.
2009-02-22 Police Appreciation

You'll notice all the various arrangements of mini M&M candies.  That was Lily's work after worship and during the luncheon.  From the right angle, you can see that they were a bouquet of little flowers with (mostly) yellow candies in the center.

A good time was had, and plentiful amounts of food were consumed.  Many beaming officers said a sincere "Thank You" on their way out - it was nice.

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