Friday, March 20, 2009

Seeking Youth and Young Adults to serve on COR and other PNYC committees

Forwarded from Janet Pearson, Presbytery of New York City's Youth Coordinator --

Greetings in the Name of Christ:

I am forwarding to you an email from Elder Adolfo Griffith, Chair of the [New York City Presbytery's] Committee on Representation. Please circulate this information among the youth and young adults of your congregations. We desperately need representation within the Presbytery.

Also, please remind those that are in high school and entering college that this can count as community service and they will be given a recommendation upon request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elder Griffith or myself.

Be Blessed,
Janet Pearson (
Youth Coordinator

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adolfo Griffith
To: Janet Pearson
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:49:27 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Elder Janet Pearson:

The Committee on Representation is currently seeking youth and young adults to become members of their committee, as described in G-9.0105 of the Book of Order.

We realize how busy our youth and young adults are regarding their daily schedules. However, it is important that their voice be heard in order to provide vital and meaningful ministry to our youth and young adults as well as allowing them to provide ministry to others.

We are asking for names of persons who are eligible and willing to serve as committee members. When submitting names, please inform us if any of these persons serve as elders, deacons, or members-at-large.

The nominees should be prepared to serve full terms (3 years) and vacancies (unexpired terms - 1 or 2 years) that are currently open.

These names will be forwarded to the General Council Nominating Committee for review. If these persons are interested in serving on other committees as well, please indicate that to us so that we may forward the names to the Committee on Nominations for consideration.

Thank you very much for your assistance to encourage our youth and young adults to serve.

Sincerely, Elder Adolfo Griffith (
Chair, Committee on Representation

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ecclesia II

Sunday, March 8th, our confirmands, youth leaders, and a few parents and siblings participated in this weekly communion service for the homeless living in Madison Square Park.

Jill planned and organized the packing of lunches to give away.  Katy made brownies!  All were short-order cooks and worship leaders.  Eddie read the gospel.  Liz and Rebecca led participatory prayers of the people.  Connor led the closing hymn.  Jill led all the music--the best they'd had all year!  Alec and the rest circled the park giving out extra lunches and making them feel welcome to join this "outdoor congregation."

While all 30 lunches were taken by the end of the communion service and 2nd meal, the congregation has dwindled due to the increased presence of NYPD in the parks of Manhattan.  To learn more of this ministry, see

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday February 24th was Mardi Gras this year.  That means it was time to pull out the beads and cook up the pancakes!

There were at least two shifts of cooks, and a LOT of pancackes later (4 boxes of Trader Joe's Buttermilk Pancake mix!), plain or with blueberries or chocolate chips inside, and strawberry, ready whip, mixed fruit, pancake syrup, candy sprinkles, and M&Ms on top.  All washed down with apple juice, milk, water, or cranberry/apple juice.

As you can see from the pictures, there was a good turnout (at least 40 people) and most everyone was smiling with a mouthful of sweet syrupy goodness - when they weren't chasing balloons around.  Thank you Lukus for taking the great pictures of the group!

All together we raised at least $226 for Touching Tiny Lives in Lesotho!!

If you want to follow links with a better description of the traditions of Shrove Tuesday, etc. check out the link from this blog in 2007.

84th Precinct Appreciation

Sunday February 22 was the 15th (or 16th, depending on the source you believe) appreciation Sunday for the local Brooklyn Heights 84th Precinct of the NYPD.  We had a great turnout of uniformed officers, and a few local politicians even participated in the worship service.

Lily sang, Connor greeted/ushered, and many others helped with setup, cooking, cleanup, or in worship.

I (Mark) was helping greet and usher for most of the service, so I didn't get too many pictures, but here are the few I did.
2009-02-22 Police Appreciation

You'll notice all the various arrangements of mini M&M candies.  That was Lily's work after worship and during the luncheon.  From the right angle, you can see that they were a bouquet of little flowers with (mostly) yellow candies in the center.

A good time was had, and plentiful amounts of food were consumed.  Many beaming officers said a sincere "Thank You" on their way out - it was nice.

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