Tuesday, December 15, 2009

(more) Pictures from the Christmas Pageant

Just to make sure you didn't miss the picture links in the earlier post, and to include one more, here are the online albums of the Christmas Pageant:

There are 3 videos embedded in the earlier post.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2009 Christmas Pageant Weekend

Another year and another great interpretation of the Christmas story!

We laughed, we learned (or remembered) something, and we got to see and hear our children lead worship.

My story of the weekend started on Saturday when the rehearsal ended and everyone came up to help decorate cookies. There were stations for decorating, packaging, and making tags for the cookies. We broke another record by raising $167 for a charity to be named (in the past, it has been Touching Tiny Lives). So many people baked and brought cookies that we will also be sharing them with our Food Pantry clients on Thursday this week!

Sunday Morning's service began with Confirmands (past and present) lighting the second candle on the Advent Wreath:

In the Pageant, each group of the story's characters made there entrance, prompted by our story-telling Angel to answer the question "Wow, What Does That Mean?"

and the story concluded by asking First Church to continue to spread the good news with a rousing Hymn "Joy to the World"

Additional still photos from the weekend:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Simchat Torah Celebration

We were dancing in the streets ... literally!

On October 10th our Confirmation Class visited the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue on the evening of Simchat Torah, the celebration of the new year with the Torah. The first 5 books of our Bible are read each year, so there is a day when the Torah - typically a scroll - is rolled back from Deuteronomy to Genesis.

After the regular (or perhaps a shortened) liturgy, we all rose, took all the Torah scrolls out and danced with them! It turned out that I (Mark) was holding a Torah when the procession went out from the Sanctuary onto Remsen Street. What a thrill to lead the procession, and what a heavy thing a Torah can be!

Lisa M, Paul, Connor, Lisa G, Katy, Mark and Liz (Jill was taking the picture)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Student Poetry Contest - Oct 1 Deadline!

Passing along a link that might interest some of you...

Students in grades 3-12 are invited to
submit a poem on: "Ways We Make Peace" at home,
in school or in the world.
Poems should be in English and
no more than 20 lines.

Submit entries from September 1 October 1, 2009
To view contest rules and submit entries visit:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

mcbrooklyn: Final Music Concert at First Presbyterian Marks End of Summer

I had another commitment on the night of the final evening for the Summer Music Series. As luck would it, there was another blogger present (yeah for the internet)!

mcbrooklyn: Final Music Concert at First Presbyterian Marks End of Summer

Saturday, August 22, 2009

3rd Annual Brooklyn Cyclones Outing!

Another August and another Brooklyn Cyclones game for us. Thanks again to Mario for providing tickets and getting our name on the scoreboard between innings! (Although none of us had our camera ready to get a picture of it, we know it was there!) You will see in the album below (click on the picture of Naya with Sandy the Seagull to see all the pictures) that we DID get a lot of other pictures, especially of the post-game fireworks show!

2009-08-15 Cyclones Game

The Cyclones pitching had something like 12 strike outs (I remember seeing at least 11xK on the scoreboard), and the score tells you that it was indeed a pitcher's battle; 2-1 in 10 innings. Unfortunately, after coming up big in the 9th inning with a solo homer to tie it, the Cyclones left runners on base and gave up the winning run in the top of the 10th inning.

It was an exciting game, we felt a part of the action and were around like-minded fans. As a matter of fact, the group in front of us offered "free hot dog and a soda" vouchers to us late in the game!

A full compliment of 20 First Pres Brooklynites came out and were not disappointed with the game, just the resulting score.

Some of us stuck around after the game and fireworks to walk on - or play football on - the beach, then strolled down the boardwalk and back to Williams Candy before boarding our train home. We did make it to the stadium in time to get the Pepsi beach towel, and (somehow) Mario got a free Brooklyn Cyclones baseball cap for everyone, too!

Lots of fun, fellowship, and fresh sea air. The perfect outing for an all-too-fast summer of 2009.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Terry Riley's "In C"

This week's Summer Music was a little different, but by no means any less enjoyable!

Wil got together with something like 17 of his friends to perform Terry Riley's "In C". The Wikipedia articles cited describes the piece:
In C consists of 53 short, numbered musical phrases, lasting from half a beat to 32 beats; each phrase may be repeated an arbitrary number of times. Each musician has control over which phrase he or she plays: players are encouraged to play the phrases starting at different times, even if they are playing the same phrase. The phrases must be played in order, although some may be skipped.
The effect was quite pleasing. I wish I had a better video recorder (or ever remembered to bring my digital camera on a Thursday), but I think you'll get a sense of the sound from the video files, below - or at least for the period when I didn't have my thumb over the microphone...

Video clips:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Coffee Hour with (for) The Ford's

It was bitter sweet, but we know we will see them all again. (Click the picture to see the small album of coffee hour pictures)

This past Sunday was the last "official" week for the Mensah-Ford family at First Church. They are moving out of the area, but Rebecca is remaining in the Confirmation Class and Andrew will definitely be back for the winter retreat to hit the toboggan run again! Barry's job is still in New York, so he will worship with us when he can.

Be safe, Mensah-Ford's, and be well! Go with God's protection, and all our blessings.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just a typical Thursday around the Church?!?

A glimpse into Thursday "The younger-youth day" at First Church...

10AM-11AM: Help in the Food Pantry

11AM-12:30PM: Arts, Crafts, Cards, and ... Balloon Animals?!? No, make that balloon creations! (Who knew you could make a cabin cruiser out of balloons?)

Morning Activities with Caleb, Ellie, Garrick, Olivia, Naya, and Simeon (click the picture to see more photos)

7PM-8PM: Gospel Hymn Sing-along and Ice Cream Social! (click picture for more, and see video links beneath)

Video: Alleluia, Amen (3:03)

P.S. The Cyclones tickets are going fast! Only 6 (make that) 5 left as I type this...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baseball game is set - Aug 15!

Brother Mario has acquired tickets for us again this year (thank you, Mario!) and we have 15 seats available between home plate and 1st base for the

Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Oneonta Tigers
6PM, Saturday August 15

The game starts at 6PM, with a beach towel giveaway for the first 2,500 fans in attendance. I'm thinking we should arrive earlier this year and try to pick up some Cyclone-swag! What do you say to meeting at Church at 4:30PM Saturday afternoon the 15th? If you would rather meet us at KeySpan Park, that's okay too (provided you will be travelling with a parent or other adult).

There are also post-game fireworks on the 15th, so at least some of us will be staying to watch that, as well.

Please reserve your ticket(s) by writing to Mark (or call via the link on the lower right side of the blog) and letting me know how many tickets you want.

Reminder, this Thursday, 6-Aug:
  • Foodpantry volunteers meet at 10AM
  • Baking, Arts, Games (with special balloon animals, this week!) 11AM-12:30PM
  • Summer Music: Gospel Hymn sing-along and Ice Cream Social at 7PM

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Music - Unplugged

Well, it was acoustic guitar, but they were plugged in to some microphones so they could be heard better...

Solo, Duet, and Quartet guitars playing classical, international, and new music (or arrangements - ask Wil about that!). It turned out to be quite a lovely evening, again with a nice mix of "old faces" and some passing people that stopped in for a listen.

See the album of photos by clicking on the picture above, and see below for some YouTube videos, too!

Video - check out the "snap shots" for a preview
Solo (to whet your apetite, and let me get used to the camera) 0:13
Duet (more visual that audio, sorry) 1:09
"International Star" (visual more than audio) 1:26
Solo2 3:28
Duet2 2:45
Duet3 3:40
Quartet (Blackberry Video, lower quality and dark) 1:07

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Youth Summer Events

Jill sent the following message out on Tuesday July 28. If you didn't get it, let her know (hughugj@aol.com) and we'll add you to the distribution.

See all the cool stuff we'll be doing ... even in a HOT August!

Hello everyone,

I hope your summers' have been enjoyable and relaxing. I can't believe August is this weekend. Where did the summer go? Thank God, it's not over! I have a few youth activities planned for the end of July and beginning of August.

July 30, Thursday @ 11-12:30: games, baking, arts

Aug. 6, Thursday @ 11-12:30: baking, arts
Aug. 8 or 15 Saturday @ 6 pm: Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Game. TBA for the date
Aug. 13, Thursday @ 11-12:30: games, arts and baking

Sunday, Aug. 9th after church, Beth and I will be hosting a gathering for the Mensah-Ford family. Sadly they (Barry, Lisa, Rebecca, and Andrew) are moving to DC Aug. 14. Games are being planned for the youth. Please email me if you are able to come and if you can bring a dish to pass.

I know that many of you will be away on family trips and summer camps, but if you are available, please email me and let me know which event you would like to attend; of course friends are welcome.

A reminder that on Thursday mornings from 10 - 11 the food pantry is open and extra helping hands are always needed. I will be there the mornings of July 30, Aug 6, & Aug. 13.

Don't forget Thursday Night Summer Music series at 7 pm in the front of the church. Check the youth blog calendar for details, http://fpcbrooklynyouth.blogspot.com/2009/07/summer-music-series-2009.html

I will have other youth events planned for the fall starting in September with a fall kick-off.

Enjoy the summer and I hope to see you soon.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Music ... Video!

For those of you that were at the Summer Music last Thursday, you might have noticed the conspicuous guy running around with the video camera. I didn't get the story of what he was shooting for, but it turns out it was something called NET, short for New Evangelization Television.

Check out the embedded video for their production of the New York Brass Choir's performance on July 16 - and interviews with several people you should recognize!

From their own description on YouTube:
NET is a new faith-centered cable TV network based in New York City. The heart base of our broadcast includes news, entertainment, children's, and music, as well as religious programs. There are even programs in foreign languages. Today, while most television accentuate materialism, violence, sex, and sensationalism, NET brings viewers back to what really matters, family, fun, and faith in God. Have no fear, NET isn't a cloistered channel of talking heads and sermons. It's out on the streets of New York, visiting neighborhoods, talking to the diverse members of our community of faith — listening to the music and sampling the food. NET serves the young and old, the churched and unchurched, and men and women from different social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, showing how they work together to make our world a better place. It's good TV!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Music Continues

July 16th we had the New York Brass Choir playing in the garden. Very nice... Some new neighbors, and several people stopped on the sidewalk for a while.

See the pictures (and the now-standard grainy, bad-surveillance-quality video!) linked to the picture shown below.

Reminder: there is NO Summer Music programming this coming Thursday, July 23

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Music Series 2009

Join us in the Peace Garden every Thursday from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

July 9: Hymn Sing (pictures linked, above; click the picture for the full album, including a couple of pixel-ey videos!)
July 16: New York Brass Choir
July 30: James Moore, Scott Borg & Threefifty Duo (guitar)
August 6: Hymn Sing with the FPC Trio
August 13: Organ Concert in the FPC Sanctuary
August 20: Jami Jackson, R&B/Gospel soloist
August 27: Bertilla Baker, Jazz soloist with FPC Trio

There will be refreshments at each event.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still MORE Talent

Not to be outdone, another of our Youth workers, Salisha, is directing a short play through this Thursday. One of the actors she is directing is Chad (our resident hearing impaired signer), from the First Church choir.

See the flyer for more information about the collection of plays.

We've got some talented Youth, too!

This past Saturday, June 6, our own confirmand Rebecca was part of the Student Dance Companies program at The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center, in Fort Greene near BAM.

Rebecca danced in 2 pieces, one "classical" and one more "Mark Morris-y" (I am told). Very cool, very excellent performance and I'm glad we had a chance to see it.

Note: If any of you have performances, games, events, or anything open to the public - let us know and we'll try to attend!

A Chord of Three Strands (pieces of it, in 4 separate videos)

Polka (video) - Choreography by Mark Morris

Of course, you already knew we had talented Youth, didn't you!

"Umbrella Summer" Book Party

We have a NUMBER of talented people affiliated with our youth program, and one of them is our own pancake-making, Confirmand mentor, Lisa. She is a book editor by day, and a much-in-demand children's author and speaker on "her" time.

Lisa's latest book Umbrella Summer was launched at Books of Wonder on W. 18th Street on June 2. There was a small but hearty contingent from First Church and as you can see from the pictures below, Lisa read from her book; we enjoyed some yummy munchies; and James identified Thomas and all of his friends to anyone that came close enough to hear!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I Hear Brooklyn Singing"

Who is that guy ... 3rd row, 2nd from the right? Wait, I think that is Connor!

Nice writeup in New York magazine (and nymag.com web site), with a picture and everything!

Late addition from Lynn, the soon-to-be-married Holy Roller and "gal about Church":

Go Connor!! So cool.

As a side note, last week NPR had a great on-air segment on Grizzly Bear, the band that Connor and the youth choir sang with on their new album.

Monday, May 18, 2009

U.S. Department of State: 2010 Spring Student Internship Program

Another internship tip forwarded by Janet Pearson, NYC Prebytery's Youth Coordinator:

From: U.S. Department of State [mailto:careers@state.gov]
Sent: Thu 5/14/2009 10:23 AM

Subject: U.S. Department of State: 2010 Spring Student Internship Program

We are pleased to inform you that we are accepting applications for the U.S. Department of State's 2010 Spring Student Internship Program.
Click here (http://careers.state.gov/students/programs.html#SIP) for more information and to start the online application process. Please note that the deadline to submit completed applications is July 1, 2009.
You must be a U.S. Citizen and a student (a full- or part-time continuing college or university junior, or graduate student - including graduating seniors intending to go on to graduate school) to be eligible. Please read the program description and vacancy announcement for more information.
We appreciate your interest in a career with the U.S. Department of State.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Young Adult Experience at the Big Tent, June 11-13

We can't wait - a young adult experienceWe Can't Wait!
A Young Adult Experience at the Big Tent, June 11-13.
The Big Tent, a first-of-its-kind event to be held in Atlanta, Ga., also offers a unique opportunity for young adults (ages 18-35) to gather for inspiration, discipleship and service to the community, including a special Young Adult Mission Experience on Saturday, June 13.  Young adults who are not registered for the Big Tent may participate in the Young Adult Mission Experience for a $25 Saturday-only fee. Register for Big Tent now!
Questions? Email Martha Miller.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

You are receiving this email from the Office of Christian Vocation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Big Tent

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Workshop on Stewardship - June 20

Yet another forward of information provided by Janet Pearson, the Presbytery of New York City's Youth Coordinator...

Download the complete flyer, with registration form...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Free TV & Film Nonprofit Job Training & Placement Program-New Open House Schedule

Forwarded information, provided by Janet Pearson, the Presbytery of New York City's Youth Coordinator...

Brooklyn Workforce Innovations (BWI) –a nonprofit organization– and The New York City Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting is now accepting applications for the fifteenth cycle of The "Made in NY" Production Assistant Training Program. This FREE skills training and job placement program aims to promote diversity in NYC's production industry and create new career opportunities for young adults who are unemployed or low-income. For more information about this free program visit our website http://www.bwiny.org/pages/patraining.html


The next cycle of the "Made in NY" PA Training Program is planned to begin in early July 2009!  We offer:    

·         4 weeks of full-time hands-on skills training, taught by industry professionals

·         Two years of job placement assistance in entry-level commercial, music video, TV and film production jobs (e.g. 'production assistant' jobs)

·         Career counseling and support as you work your way up

·         Certification as a "Made in NY" Production Assistant through a partnership with the New York City Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting.


Learn more about the work of a Production Assistant http://www.bwiny.org/pages/programs/patraininga.html


"Made in NY" PAs are now working throughout NYC's production sector, on everything from feature films to commercials to reality TV, episodic TV, music videos, film festivals, and more. Our participants come from every borough; most had never worked on set before joining the program.


Find out who is hiring our graduates http://www.bwiny.org/pages/programs/patrainingp.html


There is no fee for the training. However you must be able to cover your personal expenses during the training and job search. The training is full-time Monday-Friday, with homework and occasional evening and/or weekend sessions, followed by a two year job placement & career development program. Please do not apply if you are employed full-time or enrolled in school, or plan to enroll in school in the next two years.


Who Should Apply?

To apply for this program, you must:

  • Have a valid driver's license (No Exceptions – you will be driving during job placement)
  • Be at least 21 years old. 
  • Be New York City Resident (you must currently live in one of the five boroughs) and legally eligible to work in the U.S.
  • Demonstrate need for this opportunity (e.g. unemployed, low income or receiving public assistance, low-income background or lack of career choices due to personal obstacles)

 *In order to apply you must meet all of the above requirements*

Please visit our website before applying to learn more about our eligibility requirement: http://www.bwiny.org/pages/programs/patraininga.html


No previous production experience or knowledge is required.  There is no educational requirement.


Individuals who are on parole, probation or who have past criminal convictions are welcome to apply.


How to Apply?

Attend an Open House


Open House Schedule for New Applicants

Tuesday, May 19th at 1pm

Tuesday, May 26th at 1pm

Tuesday, June 2nd at 1pm

Tuesday, June 9th at 1pm

Friday, June 12th at 10am

Tuesday, June 16th at 1pm

Monday, June 22nd at 1pm

Friday, June 26th at 10am

Tuesday, June 30th at 1pm 

*Arrive 10 minutes early. Latecomers will not be admitted.*
    (Open to all those who qualify: NO APPT. NEEDED)

A limited number of training spots are available.  Apply ASAP to guarantee consideration.  Applications are accepted year round. (Training cycles are normally held in February, April, June and September). 

*Because we have the resources to train and place a limited number of people, individuals are not eligible for this program if any of the following is true:
• They have more than 2 years of paid production experience* (International or Domestic)
• They have supervised production assistants (paid or unpaid)*
• They have ever been enrolled in any type of Master's or Doctorate programs
*If you are not eligible for this program for one of these reasons, please visit our website to learn more about other opportunities for free or low-cost training in TV & Film Production


BWI is located at 621 DeGraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues in Brooklyn.  Take the M or R train to Union Street, walk two blocks towards the Hess gas station and make a left onto DeGraw Street. Or Take 2/3/4/5/D/M/N/Q to Atlantic Ave. and transfer to The Brooklyn-bound R Train.

Brooklyn Workforce Innovations

621 DeGraw Street (between 3rd and 4th Avenue)

Park Slope/Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY 11217



No Take Out and Events

From the Brooklyn Green Team, an online and physical group of Brooklynites interested in the environment and many other things green.  See below for their latest Challenge...

Brooklyn Green Team 
& GreenEdge Collaborative NYC 

No Take-Out Challenge!* 
3 months. 3 meals a day.
Do it for your wallet!  Do it for the planet!

PACKAGING STATISTICS: What are we doing?

Almost 1/3 of the waste generated in the US is from packaging! Plastic takes 1,000 years to decompose (and really it just keeps getting smaller and smaller).

The US population tosses out enough paper and plastic cups, forks and spoons every year to circle the equator 300 times. Read that again.

Paper comes from trees. Plastic comes from oil. To obtain either one, worldwide forests are being contaminated and destroyed.
(source: treehugger.com)

This great article from Greenbiz suggests ways your company can begin to use eco-friendlier take-out packaging.

article from Planet Green proposes a bunch of ways to reduce plastic, including take-out, in your kitchen.

This cute
video with a nifty take on plastic was done by eco-to-go.org

This site is also an excellent resource for statistics describing take-out containers on the environment.

article from Treehugger.com gives helpful tips on what to do with the glut of take-out containers piling up in your cabinets.  It also describes an initiative by the New York based group, The Eco-Agents, in which customers can request to use their own take-out containers from Restaurants.

article from The Daily Green lists the ten most (and least) green containers.   It contains the pluses and minuses on take-out containers from Styrofoam (Least Green) to Cardboard Boxes (Not As Green As You Might Think) to Edible/Inedible Containers Made From Food (Cha-Ching!).

article from Diamondback Online describes an initiative at the University of Maryland to reduce take-out container uses and discusses the difficulties and successes they had in attaining their goals.

SOLUTIONS: Sure You Can!
Breakfast at Home. Pack Your Lunch. Stay at the Restaurant.  

Visit our website for a list of restaurants that use eco-friendly take-out packaging. 

If you must take something to go, get a sandwich or burrito wrapped only in foil (and reuse it) and put in your own bag or tote.

Check our blog for suggestions on restaurants that use eco-friendly packaging.

email brooklyngreen@gmail.com and write "I Take No More!" (Include first & last name and zip)


In case you didn't yet do your three hours of volunteer service,
Volunteer with Brooklyn Green Team and GreenEdge as part of
It's My Park! Day.

Date: Saturday, May 16th
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Meeting Place: Grand Army Plaza Entrance to Prospect Park, near the Eagle Column

This event may include weeding, raking, sweeping, path edging, lake-shore clean-up, litter patrol, etc.  We can take up to 20 people so PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email with your name and how many you are bringing. We will check in with you closer to the event.

*We define take-out as either delivery or going into a restaurant and having it wrapped up "to-go." We're not in this case referring to taking your left-overs with you - although we encourage you to try brining your own tupperware. 

Join our Group Groupies of Brooklyn Green Team on GreenEdge Collaborative!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Lord is My Mother

A Poem based on Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
She makes me lie down in green grass when I need grounding.

She leads me beside still waters when I am too busy to drink.

She reminds me I am Spirit as well as Child.

She leads me in God’s Path—(especially to church on Mother’s Day).

Even though I walk the line between the past and the future,
where I feel uncertain, and my life hangs in the balance,
I am not afraid,
for She is with me, prodding and providing.
I take comfort in her guidance.

She spreads a table before me, so I may sit safely even in danger.
She baths my head with oil. She fills my cup.

Surely, I shall know goodness and loving kindness for her hands have held me.
She waits for me, like a mother half-awake at night, and I shall dwell again in Her house.

by B.Waltemath

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter - Explained!

Ticking off the seconds of his 15 minutes of fame, Rev. Beth's Husband made an Easter morning appearance on local Channel 7 (ABC) Sunday morning news/talk show.

Or, as Rev. David described it himself, "tried to explain Easter in 10 seconds or less."

Note: We hug at First Pres Brooklyn, also!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Seeking Youth and Young Adults to serve on COR and other PNYC committees

Forwarded from Janet Pearson, Presbytery of New York City's Youth Coordinator --

Greetings in the Name of Christ:

I am forwarding to you an email from Elder Adolfo Griffith, Chair of the [New York City Presbytery's] Committee on Representation. Please circulate this information among the youth and young adults of your congregations. We desperately need representation within the Presbytery.

Also, please remind those that are in high school and entering college that this can count as community service and they will be given a recommendation upon request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elder Griffith or myself.

Be Blessed,
Janet Pearson (pearsonj8@aol.com)
Youth Coordinator

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adolfo Griffith
To: Janet Pearson
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:49:27 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Elder Janet Pearson:

The Committee on Representation is currently seeking youth and young adults to become members of their committee, as described in G-9.0105 of the Book of Order.

We realize how busy our youth and young adults are regarding their daily schedules. However, it is important that their voice be heard in order to provide vital and meaningful ministry to our youth and young adults as well as allowing them to provide ministry to others.

We are asking for names of persons who are eligible and willing to serve as committee members. When submitting names, please inform us if any of these persons serve as elders, deacons, or members-at-large.

The nominees should be prepared to serve full terms (3 years) and vacancies (unexpired terms - 1 or 2 years) that are currently open.

These names will be forwarded to the General Council Nominating Committee for review. If these persons are interested in serving on other committees as well, please indicate that to us so that we may forward the names to the Committee on Nominations for consideration.

Thank you very much for your assistance to encourage our youth and young adults to serve.

Sincerely, Elder Adolfo Griffith (adolfogriffith@yahoo.com)
Chair, Committee on Representation

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ecclesia II

Sunday, March 8th, our confirmands, youth leaders, and a few parents and siblings participated in this weekly communion service for the homeless living in Madison Square Park.

Jill planned and organized the packing of lunches to give away.  Katy made brownies!  All were short-order cooks and worship leaders.  Eddie read the gospel.  Liz and Rebecca led participatory prayers of the people.  Connor led the closing hymn.  Jill led all the music--the best they'd had all year!  Alec and the rest circled the park giving out extra lunches and making them feel welcome to join this "outdoor congregation."

While all 30 lunches were taken by the end of the communion service and 2nd meal, the congregation has dwindled due to the increased presence of NYPD in the parks of Manhattan.  To learn more of this ministry, see www.ecclesiany.org.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday February 24th was Mardi Gras this year.  That means it was time to pull out the beads and cook up the pancakes!

There were at least two shifts of cooks, and a LOT of pancackes later (4 boxes of Trader Joe's Buttermilk Pancake mix!), plain or with blueberries or chocolate chips inside, and strawberry, ready whip, mixed fruit, pancake syrup, candy sprinkles, and M&Ms on top.  All washed down with apple juice, milk, water, or cranberry/apple juice.

As you can see from the pictures, there was a good turnout (at least 40 people) and most everyone was smiling with a mouthful of sweet syrupy goodness - when they weren't chasing balloons around.  Thank you Lukus for taking the great pictures of the group!

All together we raised at least $226 for Touching Tiny Lives in Lesotho!!

If you want to follow links with a better description of the traditions of Shrove Tuesday, etc. check out the link from this blog in 2007.

84th Precinct Appreciation

Sunday February 22 was the 15th (or 16th, depending on the source you believe) appreciation Sunday for the local Brooklyn Heights 84th Precinct of the NYPD.  We had a great turnout of uniformed officers, and a few local politicians even participated in the worship service.

Lily sang, Connor greeted/ushered, and many others helped with setup, cooking, cleanup, or in worship.

I (Mark) was helping greet and usher for most of the service, so I didn't get too many pictures, but here are the few I did.
2009-02-22 Police Appreciation

You'll notice all the various arrangements of mini M&M candies.  That was Lily's work after worship and during the luncheon.  From the right angle, you can see that they were a bouquet of little flowers with (mostly) yellow candies in the center.

A good time was had, and plentiful amounts of food were consumed.  Many beaming officers said a sincere "Thank You" on their way out - it was nice.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Retreat Photos

Did I mention before that there was sledding and a toboggan?  The field in front of the Phoenix house made for a good place for snowy fun!

Click the photo to see the full album...

(Thanks to Eddie and Elizabeth's Dad for all these great photos!)

Delete Cyberbullying

Peace One Day - 21 September