Monday, November 10, 2008

Confimation Outreach Project - ecclesia

On Sunday November 9th our Confirmands left worship a little early to travel together to Marble Collegiate Church and meet up with a group that leads an ecclesia worship service in Madison Square Park (BLOG: a minister's life: church without walls).

The worship takes place every week, with the focus on reaching the homeless that may be in or around the park.  Sandwiches are prepared, a Communion worship shared with simple hymns and scripture, and then the bag lunches distributed to any in attendance that desire physical feeding along with the spiritual.

Reports were that James, Rev. Beth's son, was working the crowd like a seasoned politician during - and after - the Passing of the Peace...

We all warmed-up back inside Marble's fellowship hall over Shake Shack burgers and fries to talk about our experiences.

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