Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Reflection for Wednesday, Feb 13, 2008

Romans 3:9-20

Most of the selections from Romans so far (and the reflections) have emphasized that we are all the same in the eyes of the Lord, and that we should not focus on immaterial differences. The final two verses of this selection emphasize what is important in our relationship with God, and especially His law. One of us - thanks to his day job - couldn't help but see the distinction raised by Paul as one of obeying the letter of the law versus obeying the....well, spirit of the law (Law of the Spirit?). What matters is not that we tick the boxes on a spiritual checklist to affirm our relationship with the Lord - instead, following God's word is how we truly become aware of that relationship, and following God's law should illuminate and guide our actions. Simple really, but defining one's relationship with God this way turns it entirely from something passive (simple obedience) into something far more engaged, complex and personal - not to mention demanding.

Of course, that does not mean that the law has no intrinsic value. We all sin no matter how hard we try to do as God would have us do. None of us can say that we are without blame or blemish, because no matter how hard we try, we will never be perfect enough to get into heaven on our own merit. "There is no one righteous, not even one". If we did not have the guidelines laid out in the Bible, i.e. the Ten Commandments, "Love your neighbor as yourself", and the rest of Christ's wisdom and admonishments, then we would not be able to recognize that we need Christ's sacrifice and help in order to be accepted in God's sight. Jesus is willing to become our champion before God, but we have to be able to recognize our failings and weakness through the law so that we will realize that we need Jesus in order to be cleansed of our sins.

-- by Katy and Matt Sandiford

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