Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Pageant photos

Pictures of the Christmas Pageant (taken, again, from my grainy little camera phone - until I get a chance to upload some taken by others).

2007-12-16 Christmas Pageant

I will add captions as soon as I get a chance. These were taken chronologically through the major parts of the worship service, including the Pageant.

Check Rev. Beth's blog entry for more about the Pageant itself.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jesus as a Teenager?

Just a heads up to you guys, especially Juan and Haley, who wanted to know what happened to Jesus between age 12 and age 30, those years the Bible leaves out.

National Geographic channel (TimeWarnerCable #65) is showing Jesus:The Missing Years tomorrow night (Monday, December 17th) at 9PM.

Let's all watch! I know I'm curious.

Oh, and thanks to Harry, Eddie, Brooklyn, Liz, Connor and Haley who helped with worship service and the pageant today. If any of you can usher again, let us know.

Friday, November 30, 2007

"WOW, What Does That Mean?"

That's the title of this year's original Christmas Pageant. I hope you guys will come see it on December 16th at 11AM during church. The Sunday School is working hard and it means a lot to them if they see older youth supporting them in church.

I'd also invite you guys to help out with acting coaching and stage managing. Patti is directing and Jill is stage managing this year.

We could use you guys this Sunday for our rehearsal at 10AM. And especially for our dress rehearsal on Saturday, Dec 15th, from 10-12. Oh yeah and at the cookie decorating event afterwards. Remember this from last year?

Let me know if you can help out!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Where are all the youth?

Hey guys, I've made it onto the blog! Now where are you? Mark finally invited me to post on this site. I've been racking my brain for something profound to say, but all I can think about is you guys and how I'd rather hear from you than wax philosophic. I thought getting confirmed meant you'd be connected to the church... I know life is busy but can you check in with us by posting a comment below. I bet you'd like to hear what everyone else is up to. I hear rumors like Jessica took the PSAT's, Juan's got loads of homework, Harry has parties to go to on Friday night (or at least the night of the lock-in), Eddie has soccer, Emma is in a new play, Brooklyn's into knitting, Haley, well, I've seen her, she's been good at watching my son, James. Is any of this true? What's up with the rest of you guys? Let us know.

Thanksgiving: Reflect on our blessings and take Social Action

Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on the blessings we have been given, but can also be a time to talk to friends and relatives about the causes and activities that we are concerned about.

If the crisis in Darfur has touched you, please click below for Social Action that you can take this holiday to involve those around you in some far-reaching causes.

For a fully formatted version of a message from, click over to

Touching Tiny Lives - Lesotho video clip

I just received a YouTube video link from Rev. Beth and her friend Tara. The video highlights the AIDS and general healthcare crisis in Lesotho where Touching Tiny Lives is located. Touching Tiny Lives is a charity that we have raised funds for, and communicated with, as part of the Sunday School and Youth Group activities. (You've probably heard about it from Linda, at Church, during the Children's Message or other times.) (see it right here on the blog by clicking the You Tube video on the right column of the blog)

Tara is now working with the two men interviewed here (Paul Farmer and the pilot of Partners in Health) on a project to treat adults with multi-drug resistant TB.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Re-launch of the FPC Website

In case you weren't in worship on Sunday, you missed the preview of the really cool new look of the Church's web site!

"First Church is pleased to announce the launch of our new web-site! We encourage you to take a look around to see what has changed."


A link is also available on the "Related (or not) Links" section on the right side of this blog.

Families blog and Kids Choir photos

Rev. Beth has entered the blogosphere and setup a snappy new blog on Check it out if you are in a family, have a family, or are in any way interested in families at First Church.

Also, on Sunday morning the 18th, the Kids Choir sang with the Adult Choir to help inspire us all for the Stewardship Commitment Kick-Off Sunday. Here is an album of grainy little pictures taken with my camera phone:

2007-11-18 Kids Choir

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Belated Halloween Photo (contest?!?)

A small contest, and a couple of other questions. Contest winners get a bag of their favorite junk food (from Beth):
  1. What catholic country first co-opted the pagan holiday that would become Halloween? To answer, post a comment WITH YOUR NAME (choose "Other" and put in your first name only, please) so we can determine the winners.
  2. What were you this year for Halloween -or- What was your favorite Halloween costume? (Send me pictures if you want them posted, or comment with your own links to facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Picasa, etc.)
  3. Can you write a better caption for this picture? If so, post it as a comment!

James Love as the Jack-o-lantern and Rev. Beth as "the stoop"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fwd: Aye, Ghosts

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mulle, David
Date: Oct 30, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: Aye, Ghosts

All this week, Slate is running articles about ghosts in Scotland. I
thought some of you would find it a wee bit interesting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

23: October 19-20, 2007 - "Spirits Within" Lock-In

It started with an idea after the Confirmation Retreat last spring, we wanted to do some sort of a Youth Lock-in at the Church. Jill was thinking about it and with Halloween approaching, why not do something with a "Spirits" theme? From that came this past weekend's awesome "Spirits Within" lock-in.

Seven youth and what turned out to be A LOT of adults spent as much as 12 hours in the Church.

2007-10-19 FPCB Youth Lock-In

We had some snacks as we gathered; introduced ourselves and talked about various spiritual encounters we have had first knowledge of, or someone near to us experienced; ate some pizza; played a round of flashlight Scavenger Hunt (or really, "who can get the girls to scream the loudest"); ate cake and ice cream; had a smaller circle discussion about Halloween traditions and honoring those that have come before us and around us; ate a few more snacks; pulled in some gymnastic mats and layed-out our sleeping bags for a restful 4 hours or so of sleep. Oh, then we went to Clark's for breakfast (I almost forgot about one of the food breaks!).

It was a different experience than many expected, all of it good. We learned that Angels (and maybe even some ghosts or other spirits) in most of our real experience are not scary things. Christopher left a tape recorder in the Sanctuary when we retired to the Elliott Room and got inconclusive results of any audio clues of a presence - however, a Bible was placed on the Communion Table in the morning that had not been there the night before...

Thanks to all for your participation (Emma, Tess, Natasha, Elizabeth, Kaitlyn, Christopher, and Eddie), and to the other adult guests for the first discussion on spirit (Jill - Patti - Breisen - Mark - David - Stephanie - Paul - Lynn - Prisca - Eric - Larry - Beth - Cari). A special thanks to Jill and Prisca for planning, buying, and setting up our awesome overnight! The windy, rainy weather (though too humid - yuck) enhanced the effect.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Annual Blanket Drive

Christina is collecting blankets as part of a Brooklyn effort to help homeless individuals and families during the Thanksgiving-Christmas season. New and old (good condition) blankets will be accepted. Donations are also welcome.

To help meet the needs of more homeless individuals this year, bring blankets and donations to Church now through Sunday, November 11.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ACTION: Take a stand against hate acts!

In case you haven't seen the news, I've attached a short article at the end of this posting.

The quick story is that there have been hate acts of anti-Semitic graffiti in Brooklyn Heights, in the area around First Church. As a response, the Interfaith Clergy Association of Brooklyn Heights has invited all houses of worship to hang banners on their building that speak out against religious hatred and speak in solidarity with our Jewish sisters and brothers.

A proposal has been made to take some of the funds that YOU have raised (from the Christmas cookie baking and Shrove Tuesday dinner) and put it toward this banner. The money was raised by you, so it is up to your responses how it will be spent.

To voice your stance, vote at a new poll here on the on the blog (right side panel), or send a message to Mark or Beth.

If you choose to spend Youth money as a witness in this way, PLEASE BE AT CHURCH on Sunday and we will take a group picture under the banner (approximately 12:30PM). If you feel strongly enough to write a response, feel free to post it as a comment to this blog entry.

Swastikas Painted On Brooklyn Synagogues, Cars, Homes

NEW YORK -- Vandals painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic messages on the streets of Brooklyn Heights on Monday, defacing two synagogues and shaking up many residents of the typically quiet neighborhood.

New York City Police said the anti-Semitic graffiti was found shortly before 10 p.m. Monday. The Nazi symbols were painted on the top of staircases of the two synagogues. Three homes on Columbia Place were also defaced.

Other anti-Semitic markings were spray painted on two cars in the area.

The NYPD is treating the vandalism as a bias crime.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

22: September 15, 2007 - Presbytery Youth Fair

On Saturday we had the privilege of hosting the Presbytery of New York City Youth Fair. Many of the participants (15-20 youth from across the 5 boroughs, including 3 of our own) attended this summer's Youth Triennium, and those that didn't got treated to some Energizers, small group work, and a closing worship service with music and dance.

Check out the attached photos, or chat with Christina, Eddie, or Liz if you'd like to know more about what happened.

2007-09-15 Youth Fair
Condensed workshops were held on:
“Dealing With the Pressures of a Secular World”
“Creating an Effective Youth Ministry & Maintaining It”
“Is History Being Made in Your Church?”
- Mission work and Youth in the Presbytery of New York City
- Introduction to Polity and the proper representation of Youth
~Liturgical Dance Workshop~
- "Younger Youth" activity on the theme of: HOPE

The price of admission was a can of food and over 2 grocery bags were donated to our own "2 Penny" Pantry.

Both the Moderator and the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery were in attendance, which is great to see support for Presbyterian Youth in our area!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

21: August 11, 2007 - Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball

With great thanks to Mario, a group went "out to the ball game" and saw the Brooklyn Cyclones play the Auburn Doubledays on Saturday evening. It was superhero night, which meant that fans were encouraged to dress as a superhero. Most of the workers at the ball park were dressed up too, as you can see in the photo album.

2007-08-11 Brooklyn Cyclones

The outcome of the game wasn't great for the hometown team (3-0 loss), but the group had a good time and got out to the ocean side. After the game, several of us strolled on the boardwalk, took in some local culture and enjoyed a little M&M's Vanilla Fudge ice cream (better NOT to look at the Nutrition Facts when buying ice cream, eh?).

Saturday, August 4, 2007

[20: August 4, 2007 - Spontaneous Fun]

Google: 'spontaneous fun'

No positive RSVPs for some "Spontaneous Fun" so Jill will be keeping her ideas under wraps for future use!

Hope you are all having a safe and restful summer. Remember to RSVP to Mark ( if you want to come to the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game on Saturday August 11th!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

[19: July 28, 2007 - Movie Matinee]

The plan was for a contingent to go see "Ratatouille".

Cosmic forces must have interfered, and it was not to be. (On the upside, David was able to read his golf magazine for almost 1/2 hour!)

Maybe next time ... maybe too many activities too close ... maybe too many people who weren't away had already seen the movie?

18: July 22, 2007 - WNBA Game

For the second season in a row, Stephanie has been able to score some WNBA tickets for the group (yeah Stephanie!). This year the game was Sunday afternoon with the New York Liberty hosting the Seattle Storm.

2007-07-22 WNBA

The blogger had to be out of town on business (actually, just stepping off a plane in London at the time of the tip-off), but the report was that the game was good, the food was plentiful, birthday(s) were celebrated, and balloons were balanced. It sounds like it was a great time, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it.

WOW! I just checked the box score for the game and it was only a 2-point loss by the Liberty. Heartbreaking, but so close!

Click the picture above to see more photos in the online album.

Monday, July 16, 2007

17: July 14, 2007 - Bronx Zoo

A few of us were in town and took a trip to the Bronx Zoo on Saturday. Mark and Stephanie were talking about doing this as long ago as last summer - sort of our childhood dream, I guess?!?

We got up to the zoo about Noon, and stayed until closing time (5:30PM). The weather was great, and here are some fun, goofy, and perhaps enlightening pictures.

2007-07-14 Bronx Zoo

Look for more fun things to do this summer, and don't forget to let us know if you are coming to this Sunday's WNBA game, the Liberty host Seattle.

Friends are invited and encouraged to come to ALL summer events!

Monday, July 9, 2007

16: June 28, 2007 - NBA Draft

We got some short-notice tickets to the NBA Draft (one more time, Thank You Stephanie!). Breisen joined Christian and some of his family to take in all the exciting action.

The First Church gang got pooped out by about 10PM, but the first round continued on, and on, and on ... late into the night.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

15: June 13, 2007 - Summer Kickoff

I wasn't able to be there, but all reports were that the Summer Kickoff (and Ice Cream eating) was a big hit! Jill led some games, the group took a "field trip" to the garret(*) of the manse, everyone ate some ice cream, Ellie was adorable, and Liz and her friend Abby put on a gymnastics exhibition...

Youth Summer Kickoff

We have many of your summer schedules, and unfortunately can't work our summer fun around all of your different calendars, but here is a tentative (keep an eye on the calendar at the bottom of this page for updates) list of upcoming activities:


Thu Jul 5, 2007 - 7PM Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Thu Jul 12, 2007 - 7PM FPC Drum Circle
Sat Jul 14, 2007 - 10AM Bronx Zoo
Sun Jul 22, 2007 - 4PM WNBA: Liberty host Seattle
Sat Jul 28, 2007 - TBD Movie Matinee
Thu Aug 2, 2007 - 7PM FPC Drum Circle
Sat Aug 4, 2007 - TBD Bowling, Badminton, Bocce, some sport with a "B"
Thu Aug 9, 2007 - 7PM Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social
Sat Aug 11, 2007 - 5PM Brooklyn Cyclones
Sun Aug 26, 2007 - 11:30AM Back to School Picnic
Sat Sep 15, 2007 - 8:30AM-3PM Presbyterian Youth Conference @ FPC Brooklyn


* What is the garret, you may be asking yourself? For that matter, what is a manse? The answer is that the Church also owns the house next to the Church building, as a residence for the Pastor - this arrangement is also called a manse. On the top floor of this house there is a room (which could be referred to as a garret) that we are trying to claim as a Youth Room! The idea is that we can have a place of our own with a TV, couches, maybe a little refrigerator. As we head into the Fall, we want to pick a time other than after Church on Sunday to meet. Having our own special place can help us build our own special Youth Group!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

14: June 3, 2007 - Youth Sunday

Thank you to all who participated in Youth Sunday this week. The service was very meaningful and moving. The prayers, music, preaching, readings, and kids artwork were all put together so well - I know that you challenged and made the "old folks" think. Some Church's talk about Youth being "the future of the Church". This past Sunday you showed that you are the Church, NOW!

I (again) forgot to bring my "good" camera, so the pictures this time came from the camera on my phone - as you can tell, it doesn't do well in low light. I'll check with others (Jill?, Ed?) to get additional pictures and post here them as soon as I do.

Youth Sunday

P.S. The Global Arts Festival on Saturday was also amazing, with the level of talent, organization, and down right fun provided. Did any of you check out Liz's work in the Elliott Room? Great stuff!

P.P.S. Keep an eye on the calendar (at the bottom of every blog page) for summer Youth happenings!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

mid-May Performances

We tell you ... let us know when you are in a sporting event, play, musical, dance recital, concert, or anything else that is open to the public. You never know when one (or more) of the Leader's will show up! (You might even get your picture on the blog, if one of us remembers to bring a camera.)

Abby in (or really just after) "Little Shop of Horrors"

Brooklyn after "Much Ado About Nothing"

These were really bad photos taken with my little 1.3 Megapixel camera phone.

Emma (with Beth and Jill) after "Rumors"

Check back soon for more (hopefully clearer) pictures that include Christopher in "Revenge of the Space Pandas".

13: May 19, 2007 - Serving Breakfast

Early on Saturday morning, a few of our hearty souls met to travel to Alphabet City and work at the Father's Heart Ministries soup kitchen where we helped serve breakfast to 478 guests.

2007-05-19 Soup Kitchen

Breakfast was served for an hour and a half, and guests are allowed to eat as much as they would like. Our guess was that on average, each guest had 3 or 4 plates of food, so that means that Haley placed about 1700 fork-and-knife sets onto plates, and Jessica and Juan set over 160 place settings during the morning.

Think about that for a second ... this is generally not a soup kitchen for the homeless, but rather "food insecure" people on the Lower East Side. 478 people were fed in an hour and a half - all they wanted to eat. Men, Women, family's with children, people that should be enjoying their "golden years" all sharing a meal together in this corner of God's Kingdom. Probably in the neighborhood of 140 DOZEN eggs, plus toast, sausage, hash browns, peaches, coffee, and juice. Though their food handling license doesn't allow it, a few guests packed this bountiful food in order to eat later.

While the youth prepared the tables and plates of food, the leaders (Jill, Stephanie, and Mark - where was David?!?) were asked to minister to the guests: roaming, smiling, talking, listening, and praying with those that the spirit lead us to.

Father's Heart is a robust and well-organized ministry. Worship (presented in 6 languages, including sign language), prepared food, food pantry bags, roaming ministers, ESL courses, social workers available, and somewhere around 60 volunteers for the morning to make it all happen!

This is one that we recommend going back to again.

Monday, May 7, 2007

May 6, 2007 - Confirmation Sunday

Confirmation Sunday was May 6th and a fantastic experience on so many levels

2007-05-06 Confirmation Class

The day started with an examination by the Session held in the Manse, next to the Church. Statements of Faith were read by those students who chose to join the Church. After the students, parents made statements about the pride they have in their children - a very powerful experience. Once a motion was made, seconded, and approved, the Class of 2007 was welcomed into membership, along with 2 adult members by reaffirmation of their faith.

The worship service was next and included BOTH of the sacraments of the Presbyterian Church (who knows what they are? ... That's right, Baptism and Communion). Confirmands read excerpts from their individual Statements of Faith as the text of parts of the worship service. All the new members then gathered around the Baptismal font as a symbol of their confirming the vow their Parents made for them at baptism, and Brooklyn presented herself for baptism at this time. Rev. Beth preached a great sermon on John 13:31-35, Jesus charging his disciples: "I leave you with this new commandment to love one another as I have loved you." The Confirmation Class teachers each had a special message for the class, and gifts were presented by the teachers and mentors to the class. With Communion and (the usual) fantastic music - including a piano piece by Harry, and an anthem by Jill - the service was concluded and everyone was invited upstairs to the Elliott Room.

The parents of the class provided a wonderful meal and reception for the entire congregation after worship. Pizza, chicken, salad, veggie wraps, drinks, and desserts (ask Ed about where to get a great sheet cake!) were shared, still MORE pictures were taken, and additional gifts were given - this time it was the parents recognizing the hard work of the Confirmation Class teachers.

A meaningful day; an affirming experience; a community welcoming a community.

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 22, 2007 Confirmation Class - nearby Birthdays

David and Emma have birthdays that are just 4 days apart, so we lit some brownies on fire and loaded up on calories while Rev. Cari talked with the class about Worship and worship experiences. (This picture is only from the camera on my phone, and I hadn't thought of taking one until the candles were nearly blown out...)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

March 25, 2007 - Parent's Meeting

It has been a year since all this fun started, so it seemed like a good time to get the Youth Leaders back together with our Parents and "Supportive Web" (now called a more formal Youth and Family Outreach Committee).

We intended to cover:

  1. Process our first year of Youth activities
  2. Plan for this summer's activities (and Beth's maternity leave)
  3. Broaden the supportive web of adults mentoring youth into mature Christian adulthood through youth leaders, prayer partners, and multi-generational relationships across the church
  4. Create a foundation of prayer and spirituality for youth ministry at First Brooklyn that will last for decades, centuries
  5. Brainstorm about the Youth web page on the Church's web site

As usual, the agenda wasn't strictly followed but we did have a great discussion, and came up with the following topics, thoughts, and ideas.

  • A great feeling has been built around the Youth program; there is a "buzz" that most of the congregation is now aware we have a Youth Group and active Youth in the Church community
  • There is a feeling of community among the Youth (especially Confirmation Class)
  • Lock-In, as an opportunity to work on a "Church Timeline" project, and have a guest leader for "Spirituality and Sexuality"
  • Younger siblings are looking up to activities and the group as something to aspire to
  • We have a group of "tweeners" - at the top end of Sunday School age, but not quite Confirmation - that it would be great to engage on Sunday morning
  • "Power-Packed Sunday" - maybe once a month; sort of Youth-lead worship experience; maybe a discussion with and between the Youth; open to Youth of the community.
    This was brought up as an idea for during worship, but I [Mark] would like to see it in addition to worship - maybe Sunday before or after worship, maybe on Saturday (around working in the garden?), maybe during the mid-week online chat or at an in-person meeting once in a while

    • First week of the month - Communion, all in worship
    • Second week of the month - Youth ushers, Youth reading Scripture
    • Third week of the month - take notes on the Sermon for next week
    • Fourth week of the month - Youth discussion: talk about the day's scripture, share what is going on in our lives, discuss last week's sermon
    • Fifth week of the month - Help in Sunday School for younger kids

  • Create a Yahoo! Group, to help with communication?
  • Produce a YouTube video "ad"?
  • Camping trip (with the Dads) @ Bear Mountain, or Harriman State Park?
  • Summer Activity - BBQ at the Johnson's?

Web Site ideas (some of which already exists, so provide a description and link to existing ~trusted~ content)

  • Schedule
  • Events
  • Tell about the Youth Group (mission statement, comments from youth, etc.)
  • Resources: books, movies, videos
  • Scheduled, moderated chat room? (some weekday evening)
  • Podcast of Sermons, Music, etc.

Upcoming (tentative) Youth Group Activities

  • Sunday, April 8th. Easter Egg Hunt for Kids
  • Saturday, May 12th May 19th. Soup Kitchen for kids
  • Sunday, May 20th. (after church) Pizza Party and Youth Worship Planning.
  • Sunday, June 3rd Youth service and Lemonade Hour.
  • Saturday, June 9th. Lock In at the church.
  • Wednesday, June 13th. Summer Game and Ice Cream, Camp kick-off.
  • Mid-July: WNBA game, Movie matinee, Bronx Zoo.
  • Late-August: Back to School Picnic in Prospect Park

Opportunities for Individual youth to serve: (for School credit).

  1. Sunday Ushers; Sing with the Choir; Read the Scripture; Host coffee hour
  2. Co-teacher for 3-5 year olds.
  3. Summer food pantry on Wednesdays 10-12.
  4. Help with special events for younger kids: Easter, Christmas
    pageant, Shrove Tuesday.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

12: March 24, 2007 - Bowling

Thank you to Marc and Melissa for sponsoring a fun afternoon of bowling.

2007-03-24 Bowling

Sunday, March 18, 2007

11: March 18, 2007 - Knicks Game

Many Thanks to Stephanie for getting tickets for 16 of us to attend a New York Knicks game on March 18th. Game time was Noon, so we went to the start of worship and scooted out a bit early...

Here are the photos taken with Mark's camera:

2007-03-18 FPCB Youth Knicks Game

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Confirmation Retreat Photos

The Confirmation Class attended "The Jesus Retreat: Encountering God through the Arts" at the Holmes Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center on March 2-3, 2007. 11 Youth and 6 Adults attended from First Church, joining a total of over 50 Youth and 70 total participants.

Click this picture to see the full album...

P.S. A friend at work has some good gear and got a number of photos of the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday night. We saw it out the van windows as we left Holmes, but the telescope and mounted camera captured it very nicely.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Additional Content on Blog

I should have been doing other things, but I decided to add more content to this Blog. On the right column, you'll see Related Links, links to The "old" Blog, and a monthly summary of This Blog's History. Beyond this pretty standard stuff, I've added some more dynamic content of the Daily Lectionary Reading, a Calendar of the youth group events, some quick info about who I am, and then wrap up the page with a daily Motivational Quote. I even subscribed to for syndication of the Blog, or to send e-mail updates.

It may not be much, but it was fun for me to figure out how to add the parts!

I will be trying to keep the calendar up to date, so I encourage you to check it out from time to time. As the events pile up, I may make the calendar bigger and put it on the bottom of the page ... I'm still playing with the layout. Note that the calendar has a Month mode and an Agenda mode - if you just want to see the events spelled out without the calendar numbers.

Click around, check it out and leave comments if you wish!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

10: February 25, 2007 - Impromptu Discussion

With the special dinner for the Police Officers from the 84th Precinct, Firefighters from Ladder Co. 118, and Engine Co.s 205 and 224 (if the firefighters were able to join us later), we didn't formally plan "a meeting". We did have a good discussion about upcoming activities, and poll for future ideas.

The topics brought up for future meetings were:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

9: February 20, 2007 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

We mixed it up with a Tuesday night meeting, themed for Mardi Gras (or Shrove Tuesday). We had a great intergenerational mix of Youth and Supportive Web folks preparing the room and cooking the pancakes!

In addition to the pancakes (plain, chocolate chip, and blueberry) and strawberrys, juice, whipcream and M&M toppings, there were also games! A couple rounds of musical chairs, an inflatable jumping thing (just the right size for "little ones"), and other bead-earning activies. We had a rub-on tatoo station, a mask-decoration station, hats, party horns and balloons all adding to the festive pre-Lenten fun.

8: February 11, 2007 - Game Day

We did a re-scheduled game day. It happened to be during the Church-wide Annual Meeting, so it was really a drop-in, drop-out kind of a gathering.

Highlights of the day were from the Owens' game collection, Ker Plunk and the Flying Pixies Game!

Link to "old" Blog

I started my Youth Group Blog on Yahoo!'s 360 blogger, but the name was too hard for (some) people to remember [23-July-2009: Even worse, Yahoo shutdown their 360 service so the old blog, though still available, is REALLY impossible to remember], so I'll try going forward here on We'll call it a new Blog for the new year...

Delete Cyberbullying

Peace One Day - 21 September