Sunday, August 31, 2014

Free the Kids: Back to School in Haiti?

A mission program from my (Mark's) former church in New Jersey.

Most American kids would be happy to see a question mark at the end of this sentence, but the kids at Pwoje Espwa are not!  They don't have many toys or other activities to fill their days, and they realize that school is their only hope to escape poverty. 

We put the question mark above because we need your help to meet the basic needs of our 450 kids.  As you shop for your own children or grandchildren, please remember our kids who are excited to get back to school, even though many have to do so without shoes, uniform or books.  Haitians are very good at making do with very little, but it is tough to stretch our funds with so many kids and ever higher prices.  Food prices in Haiti rose 5% in July alone, so there is less left for other needs. 

To start school, each student will need:
  • Used Backpack ... $15
  • School Supplies ... $20
  • Shoes ... $15
  • Socks & Undergarments ... $10
  • Uniform ... $30
  • Books ... $35

We do our best to use uniforms and shoes until they are worn, so not everyone will need those, but we do want to at least give everyone underwear and socks, plus books and a book bag.  Our kids don't complain when 5 share a book, but they probably don't learn as much as they could.

A Donation of $125 will help one student get off to good start this school year!
With these pressing needs, our back to school budget requires $15,000 more than planned.  

Please share some of your own budget to help boost ours.

There is no question that your donation will help ensure that supplies are on hand and our students are prepared!   

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Hunger Action Month

September is National Hunger Action Month. Deepen your spiritual life as you read, reflect, and take action to end hunger in your community and across the country this September. Visit the Society of St. Andrew website to download a copy of the 2014 Calendar for Prayer and Action. The calendar includes scripture readings and related reflections or activities, suitable for the entire family, for each day of September. Copies of the calendar are available at the back of the Church on Sunday mornings and will be posted here each day.

Plan now to make September 2014 a time for to stand together against hunger, joining with the Society of St. Andrew to see that each person in this country has healthy, nourishing food to eat.

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Peace One Day - 21 September