Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Night of "Music at First"

The debut season of Music at First comes to an end on Friday May 28...

7:30PM Start
percussionist AYANO KATAOKA with flutist CONOR NELSON

$10 Suggested Admission

MUSIC AT FIRST is a monthly new music series taking place at First Presbyterian church in Brooklyn Heights. It features a diverse mix of some of New York City's best new music ensembles and performers, accessible to a wide audience of both community members and seasoned new music listeners. All concerts begin at 7:30 with a $10 suggested donation per person for admission.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Confirmation Retreat

Yes, this is a delayed entry for the retreat that happened April 23-24.  The title of the retreat was “Your Place in the Church”, and took place at Holmes Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center (same place as the legendary Jesus Camp with the Confirmation Class in 2007).  I realized I hadn't posted the pictures Jill took, so here they are - click on the picture to open the whole album.

I didn't attend, so I haven't captioned them yet - you can use your imagination to think up your own for now!

I heard that this was the "signature moment" for our Confirmands and Teachers

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Connor's Dance Concert

This past Friday night, Jill and Mark (and Connor's Mom) attended Connor's Junior Division Spring Concert of The Ailey School (as in Alvin Ailey, the choreographer).  It was 2 hours of awesome dance, in many different styles, by what had to be over 100 dance students from many different levels and ages.  Really cool!

See below for a few post-performance photos.

Congratulatory Hug

Smiling to Friends

Mom, Connor, and Jill

Delete Cyberbullying

Peace One Day - 21 September