Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Music - Unplugged

Well, it was acoustic guitar, but they were plugged in to some microphones so they could be heard better...

Solo, Duet, and Quartet guitars playing classical, international, and new music (or arrangements - ask Wil about that!). It turned out to be quite a lovely evening, again with a nice mix of "old faces" and some passing people that stopped in for a listen.

See the album of photos by clicking on the picture above, and see below for some YouTube videos, too!

Video - check out the "snap shots" for a preview
Solo (to whet your apetite, and let me get used to the camera) 0:13
Duet (more visual that audio, sorry) 1:09
"International Star" (visual more than audio) 1:26
Solo2 3:28
Duet2 2:45
Duet3 3:40
Quartet (Blackberry Video, lower quality and dark) 1:07

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Youth Summer Events

Jill sent the following message out on Tuesday July 28. If you didn't get it, let her know ( and we'll add you to the distribution.

See all the cool stuff we'll be doing ... even in a HOT August!

Hello everyone,

I hope your summers' have been enjoyable and relaxing. I can't believe August is this weekend. Where did the summer go? Thank God, it's not over! I have a few youth activities planned for the end of July and beginning of August.

July 30, Thursday @ 11-12:30: games, baking, arts

Aug. 6, Thursday @ 11-12:30: baking, arts
Aug. 8 or 15 Saturday @ 6 pm: Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Game. TBA for the date
Aug. 13, Thursday @ 11-12:30: games, arts and baking

Sunday, Aug. 9th after church, Beth and I will be hosting a gathering for the Mensah-Ford family. Sadly they (Barry, Lisa, Rebecca, and Andrew) are moving to DC Aug. 14. Games are being planned for the youth. Please email me if you are able to come and if you can bring a dish to pass.

I know that many of you will be away on family trips and summer camps, but if you are available, please email me and let me know which event you would like to attend; of course friends are welcome.

A reminder that on Thursday mornings from 10 - 11 the food pantry is open and extra helping hands are always needed. I will be there the mornings of July 30, Aug 6, & Aug. 13.

Don't forget Thursday Night Summer Music series at 7 pm in the front of the church. Check the youth blog calendar for details,

I will have other youth events planned for the fall starting in September with a fall kick-off.

Enjoy the summer and I hope to see you soon.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Music ... Video!

For those of you that were at the Summer Music last Thursday, you might have noticed the conspicuous guy running around with the video camera. I didn't get the story of what he was shooting for, but it turns out it was something called NET, short for New Evangelization Television.

Check out the embedded video for their production of the New York Brass Choir's performance on July 16 - and interviews with several people you should recognize!

From their own description on YouTube:
NET is a new faith-centered cable TV network based in New York City. The heart base of our broadcast includes news, entertainment, children's, and music, as well as religious programs. There are even programs in foreign languages. Today, while most television accentuate materialism, violence, sex, and sensationalism, NET brings viewers back to what really matters, family, fun, and faith in God. Have no fear, NET isn't a cloistered channel of talking heads and sermons. It's out on the streets of New York, visiting neighborhoods, talking to the diverse members of our community of faith — listening to the music and sampling the food. NET serves the young and old, the churched and unchurched, and men and women from different social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, showing how they work together to make our world a better place. It's good TV!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Music Continues

July 16th we had the New York Brass Choir playing in the garden. Very nice... Some new neighbors, and several people stopped on the sidewalk for a while.

See the pictures (and the now-standard grainy, bad-surveillance-quality video!) linked to the picture shown below.

Reminder: there is NO Summer Music programming this coming Thursday, July 23

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Music Series 2009

Join us in the Peace Garden every Thursday from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

July 9: Hymn Sing (pictures linked, above; click the picture for the full album, including a couple of pixel-ey videos!)
July 16: New York Brass Choir
July 30: James Moore, Scott Borg & Threefifty Duo (guitar)
August 6: Hymn Sing with the FPC Trio
August 13: Organ Concert in the FPC Sanctuary
August 20: Jami Jackson, R&B/Gospel soloist
August 27: Bertilla Baker, Jazz soloist with FPC Trio

There will be refreshments at each event.

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Peace One Day - 21 September