Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still MORE Talent

Not to be outdone, another of our Youth workers, Salisha, is directing a short play through this Thursday. One of the actors she is directing is Chad (our resident hearing impaired signer), from the First Church choir.

See the flyer for more information about the collection of plays.

We've got some talented Youth, too!

This past Saturday, June 6, our own confirmand Rebecca was part of the Student Dance Companies program at The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center, in Fort Greene near BAM.

Rebecca danced in 2 pieces, one "classical" and one more "Mark Morris-y" (I am told). Very cool, very excellent performance and I'm glad we had a chance to see it.

Note: If any of you have performances, games, events, or anything open to the public - let us know and we'll try to attend!

A Chord of Three Strands (pieces of it, in 4 separate videos)

Polka (video) - Choreography by Mark Morris

Of course, you already knew we had talented Youth, didn't you!

"Umbrella Summer" Book Party

We have a NUMBER of talented people affiliated with our youth program, and one of them is our own pancake-making, Confirmand mentor, Lisa. She is a book editor by day, and a much-in-demand children's author and speaker on "her" time.

Lisa's latest book Umbrella Summer was launched at Books of Wonder on W. 18th Street on June 2. There was a small but hearty contingent from First Church and as you can see from the pictures below, Lisa read from her book; we enjoyed some yummy munchies; and James identified Thomas and all of his friends to anyone that came close enough to hear!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I Hear Brooklyn Singing"

Who is that guy ... 3rd row, 2nd from the right? Wait, I think that is Connor!

Nice writeup in New York magazine (and nymag.com web site), with a picture and everything!

Late addition from Lynn, the soon-to-be-married Holy Roller and "gal about Church":

Go Connor!! So cool.

As a side note, last week NPR had a great on-air segment on Grizzly Bear, the band that Connor and the youth choir sang with on their new album.

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