Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teen Challenge Brooklyn 50th Anniversary Community Festival

An invitation to attend the 50th Anniversary of a Brooklyn-started substance abuse program for teens. More below, and check the links for specific information on the Festivities this Saturday.

Philosophy of Teen Challenge
In 1958 David Wilkerson went to New York City to work with young people involved in gangs and drug addiction. Teen Challenge was birthed out of Rev. Wilkerson’s efforts to provide lasting solutions to those who were deeply affected by life-controlling problems. To read more about the keys to the successful approach used by Teen Challenge, click here.

Dear First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn,

As a church in our local neighborhood, it would be an honor if you would attend the Teen Challenge Brooklyn 50th Anniversary Community Festival on Saturday June 28th. Please click the link provided to see what the day is all about - including the schedule for the day.

The event is meant for young and old, as there is a lot of activity going on. It is also a chance for you as a church to see what we do in this neighborhood, helping people overcome addictions and other life-controlling problems through the powerful work of Jesus Christ.

Many Christians know our organization through the book The Cross and the Switchblade, written by our founder David Wilkerson: What started out as a step into the unknown to help seven troubled teens in New York, is now an organization of over 170 centers in the US. Outside the US, there are now more than 260 treatment centers and over 140 evangelistic outreaches.

God Bless,

Bart van Sluijs
& Communications Coordinator
Teen Challenge Brooklyn

Sunday, June 15, 2008

BLTN: Global Arts 2008

That's Better Late Than Never...

The Global Arts Festival 2008 was held last Sunday in the scorching heat. I didn't do a very good job of getting all the photos I should have (completely missed several musical groups and just about all the vendors, including Brooklyn and Haley selling home baked goods and refreshments!). I'll try to remember my REAL camera next year, and to take a better variety of pictures.

(click on the picture to see the facebook album)

Despite the heat, the turnout was great; there were always a number of people filtering by on the sidewalk, and at least a "couple people deep" for most of the musicians / performers. This, after Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dr. Paul Smith brought in the faithful on his return to our pulpit!

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